........Why 0_o
Joined on 5/31/08
........Why 0_o
An example or two would be nice...
Here's some excellent points I made:
<a href="http://connerbomb.newgrounds.com/news/post/127159">http://connerbomb.newgrounds.com/news /post/127159</a>
An example or two would be nice...
Here's some excellent points I made:
<a href="http://connerbomb.newgrounds.com/news/post/127159">http://connerbomb.newgrounds.com/news /post/127159</a>
Ah hell, sorry bout that, guess my computer decided to pull a double on me...
Why do you hate NG? Are you permanently banned from submitting stuff?
P.S.: Scroll down to the whole bottom of the page. You'll read "newgrounds.com - You #1 online entertainment community. All your base are belong to us."
P.P.S.: Newgrounds is the #1 Flash Portal in the world!
how stupid do you think Newgrounds is?
obviously stupid enough, since some of your stolen shit got scores over 3.
HIs shit is NOT stolen! If you REALLY think he stole movies, show me some proof.
All thats left of him is his flash.
c1ph3r: go here
<a href="http://www.4chan.org/flash/">http://www.4chan.org/flash/</a>
And Newgrounds fucking hates you, if you can't make a flash on your own, don't steal them. I haven't posted one myself cuz every time I do its a bunch of stick figure shit no one wants to see, but the difference is I keep working on improving, you stole from the 4chan flash archive you idiot
Hey, websitefreak, it is HIS site, you faggot! He's the one who made the 4chan Flash archive. You're such n00bs. Go get a life.
thats good, at least there is one 4chan faggot less ;)
You're my hero
I FUCKING HATE 4chan-city-fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11